Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blogpost 8:Music in Military and War

When war has come music has many uses to help them to communicate,to command gives,Music gives power that can kill,fear,and makes a man brave, and music them a relaxation in their head and makes the Soldier brave and happy when they are in the Military camps,most of the Soldiers drink and listen to music that helps them relaxed and chill after the battle and it us use when they won the war when they celebrate there is always music and they dance and drink,but for those friends who gt K.I.A of "Killed In Action" they listen to music to comfort them and also with alcoholic beverages that chill their body and minds,If you have experience combat your feeling is fear,hunger,stress more than a Office job,and anger,music helps the Soldier to calm and some of the Military camps have videooke to help them forget what happen. It comes to Music the National Anthem that makes them Patriotic and,Military cadence that makes a Soldier man and A Soldier song that every Armed Forces have.

According to the article from the book entitled A New Approach to the Chronology of Biblical History from'schronology
"So the people shouted, and the priests blew the trumpets; and it came about, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, that the people shouted with a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight ahead, and they took the city."From biblical times Joshua won the Battle of Jericho by using trumpets with his hundreds or thousands of his mighty Men that destroyed the mighty defense of the enemies.This is how the music is so powerful that can destroy the human mighty fortress and weapon to use.

According to this article entitled The History and Influence of music by: Jim Paterson.

General Santa Ana wanted to frighten the defenders of the Alamo to surrender of to leave the place he played "El Duguello"  means "throat cutting" to invaders a song that appealed the defenders to surrender or to die by the sword,and if I am not wrong in the movies Alamo in 2004 when I was a child I remember that here is a part in the movies that the Soldiers of Gen.Santa Ana play a song when the war ceased fire.And the Texas defenders named Davy Crockett add a violin,for me it symbolizes that they are not afraid of them and they are willing to defend their camp. 

According to this article entitled The History and Influence of music by: Jim Paterson.This is A military this is used in the Military to direct the Soldier movement,it serves for communication in the Battlefield i some ancient war because in the past radios and other communicating devices are not yet created so it serves as a past way to communicate they use patterns and chords that they understand I wonder in the war we can hear the loud voices of pain of death,gunshots,shouting,swords clashing,bomb shell falling,and etc. And makes the man in the front line fearless and brave to die for the Motherland,these is used a thousand years ago from the ancient Military,like the Romans,Greeks,Spartans,and many more in the Ancient Civilization,and until The Battle of the Bulge,and War in Vietnam that they use it for attacking the enemy or to charge.

According to this meaning came from Urban dictionary by:Evan Milberg we can know the good meaning from:
"Whenever a person from the military dies, a group of seven soldiers fire off three shots each. 7 times 3 equals 21, thus the name 21 gun salute."
In Gun salute they use cannons in 14th century ,and or rifle to salute the Military as we can see in the movies and in the news this is for the respect for the Fallen Soldier who died for the Country and for the people who lives in it,like in our country we can see the families are crying especially the wife who are left behind,and his/her child or children are crying in pain,and even the Soldiers who fire the rifle are also in pain because some of them are friends of those soldier who die. Lets say I SALUTE YOU ! 

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