Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blogpost 5: Music,Media and business?

Artist can also change the way we live,because of how much we idolize them,we prefer to follow their fashion,like wearing shades,jacket,and gloves we feel that we are cool we feel that we are the artist that we idolize, even I do it my Idol is Eminem,and I used to wear hip hop clothes and close cap and bling blings or jewelries like large chains gold and silver,and watches etc, to make me cool and using a scarf to put in my head that ow music artist can change our way of life.Very cool but the bad effects if we follow what bad habits they do like using drugs,having many girls,addicted to alcohol,that's why we must be careful of what we are doing.And most of all music can unite people to change our lives to be brave,and connection to music that can unite humans in the concert we are participating and we all having fun. 

According to this article entitled Why are we so desperate to idolize celebrity? by Strangedazesa i found at strangedazesa.com"Our tendency to confuse our admiration for a person’s talent with our admiration of the actual person means that we give these (mostly undeserving) people the status of Gods.And Is it this wealth we admire, or the talent itself? Is it the level of fame and success we see and admire and want? Or is it something else?''

We all know that we have some idols,from sports,music artist,athlete that we want to be strong like them and so many more,we idolize them because the are rich and famous having comfortable living,like in the mansion with pools and very big backyard that can accommodate a hundreds people for party and any events,and having a big collection of sports car like Ferrari,Ford Mustang,Bugatti,Porsche,and many more that cost about our house or in millions of dollars and pesos.We want to be them so we follow their styles and their unique fashion,and impersonate them like their voices the way they look so that we feel that we are also stars.

Here in the Philippines remember the show in the Abs Cbn The Showtime,here the contestants they impersonate of what they look alike as their idol,it affects us because when we saw their acts we get confused because they look the same and speak the same,very awesome right?
We even laugh and be happy of what we are looking,and also it gives a very good entertainment.And also us personal beings we follow what our idols look like,how they speak,what brands of clothes they wear like the brad of clothes they endorse that when we wear it we feel at the mirror that we are the idols that we follow , and when we go out into our home people can tell example: hey! you look like Robin Padilla in your jacket and we also fell like we are very cool and different.

When we Idolize,we want some things that symbolizes them like t shirts,stickers,posters we want to buy it because we love them,and when we have it,we feel awesome and good, even the people who saw what you are wearing will said where did you but that clothes it looks very beautiful and that's my idol band too like this AC/DC shirt if we are a very huge fan of this band you will buy this shirt , and it is very good in the business to become more profitable.We can find this in the concert,booths and many brands that can made a good quality of shirt.

According to this article that Ive read entitled Advertising Comercials by Todd Brabec, Jeff Brabec from www.ascap.com '"That the fees paid by advertising agencies and their clients for commercials can be substantial (from $125,000 to more than $1,000,000 per year for successful songs)," What a big money that why most of artist are rich and famous,we wonder if we are in their position every where we go there is fans,signing of authographs and the girls are chasing us,but the bad thing is we dont have any privacy in our private life,because everywhere there is media.

What a big amount of money,imagine if you convert this to the peso currency well,it said it depends also if the advertising is for the TV,internet,radio and even in the politics they used popular music and they change the lyrics but the same tone for the people to be entertain,and also to persuade,look the picture above the Shake up Christmas by Train if you could remember it is a Coca cola product,I remember it when in December they are playing that song.And did you know that Coca Cola company is the top 3 brands in the world in year 2013 fromwww.interbrand.com

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