Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blogpost 6:How hiphop change us?

Hip hop music have a great effects in our selves depends on your self,from the fashions,type of speaking,using close cap and using scarf and putting it in the head that makes we look cool,but in some areas in the world we can see many hip hop gangsters that can kill,rob,vandalize,and dangerous or violent that when we are walking in the road if you can see in your way some groups of hi hop,we feel that they are gangsters that might will hurt us get our important things or steal our things and we think that they are some members of robbery and holdup in the news,and in our places when we wear hip hop clothes and we are walking maybe some gangsters think that you are part of the gang that their enemies we feel uncomfortable because of fear that maybe someone might hurt us,and also the same impacts on other persons they will think that you are gangsters and violent and they think that you are not educated person because most of the hip hope persons are gangsters and violent.  

According to this article entitled Music effects on people, and culture by : Glen Chiacchieri from glench that " It seems that music, more than anything else, ties people together and tears them apart. It seems that you can tell a person's taste in music solely by the way they dress or act and  It seems that you can tell a person's taste in music solely by the way they dress or act.

Yes it is right,it depends upon the music and the type of the listener music can affect our behavior from what lyrics we heard,as a 17 years old,I even enjoy looking and following their fashion because I look different and awesome by wearing hip hop and rock star look it give us appearance that many people will recognize our outfit.And also it give us what identity we have the way we talk and the way we walk that defines us.It discriminates also that black people that is a hip hop person that they are violent like gangsters but they are like that,I know that they are just awesome but because of the people can see that discriminates the people of the way they look.Being also a rock star outfit it makes us awesome and being cool.

According to Abkoobthoj,Hudson,WI entitled The impacts pf rap and hiphop on the American youth from:teenink.com "We teenagers are growing up in a society where media has a great impact on our lives."

It is true that it can change our behavior
and sometimes judge us,the way we look,in hip hop music there is always a explicit lyrics like shit,fuck,damn,bitch,and sex that makes it very violent to the teens that sometimes they hear about and even now we are using these words because of the effects of the hip hop music in our culture,and even in their music videos there are in the bar and drinking smoking and they are related in the drugs and even in the lyrics of the songs there is weeds and many tatoo parts in the body,and even hot girls in the music video that makes the boys aroused that change their behavior,and that are the examples that we can encounter in our everyday life from the hip-hop music.And even in the rappers hand gestures that we sometimes do,it is now very become popular because of influence of hip-hop to us.  

"In a Wall Street Journal article, it describes rap and hip-hop music as “a religion for troubled youth” because of the negative effect of the hip hop that is violence and very violent lyrics that can even cause killings from the gangsters and even stealing possessions like jewelries,cars and houses ,and destroying public and private properties because of the vandalism.

According to this article still the same from the article of Abkoobthoj that "Fashion among youth also comes from rap and hip-hop music. Some males who listen to rap and hip-hop music will tend to wear baggy jeans, called sagging, oversized t-shirts, and a cap." 
Is it cool ? Yes or No well it depends also in your own explanation and type of your fashion that you like ,and also they wear some gold and silver bling blings or jewelries that makes them cool and it signifies them that they are rich because of their outfit it symbolizes also that not only the fat person are the only one who wear big shirts anf because of hiphop they became cool looking.

According to Abkoobthoj,Hudson,WI entitled The impacts pf rap and hiphop on the American youth from:teenink 

"many rap and hip-hop songs, the “N” word is used several times. Slang and ungrammatical sentences are also used. For example, “Imma be, we go party it up, in da hood, wattup, swaggin, ain’t,shitin in da floor etc.” 

It is a bad grammar right ? and if we are used to our grammar will change and affect our brain in speaking and writing Hip hop can create a new language and culture but it is bad,and violent bu for some many it is their expressions that define them.And even in the rappers hand gestures that we sometimes do,it is now very become popular because of influence of hip-hop to us.

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